It was announced that the registration of benefits will be mandatory in all schools in the city, like birth registration
December 22/ 2017
Addis Ababa
The Addis Ababa City Administration Civil Registration and Residency Service Agency and the National Identity Project Office, in coordination with the city’s Education Bureau, held a discussion with the private school community in the city regarding the registration of benefits and births.
On the day, the National Identity Project Office’s Executive Director, Ato Yodahe Arayaslassie, the Head of the Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau, Dr. Zelalem Mulatu, and the Agency’s Director General, Ato Yonas Alemayehu, were present, and a background presentation was presented to facilitate the discussion.
The registration of the Faida campaign will be carried out officially in private schools under the coordination of the Civil Registration and Residence Service Agency, and it has been announced that Faida registration will be the first step in registering students for the 2018 academic year, like birth registration.
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