It was revealed that 110 indiv...

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- In CRRSA Reforms    0

It was revealed that 110 individuals were held accountable for corruption in 6 months!

CRRSA: January 8/2017

The Civil Registration and Residency Services Agency reviewed its performance for the first six months of the 2017 fiscal year in the presence of the Deputy Mayor, Addis Ababa City Chief Executive Engineer Wondimu Setachemro, sub-city managers and civil registration officers, as well as agency staff.

The agency’s Director General, Ato Yonas Alemayehu, who presented the six-month performance, presented the major works carried out in the past six months.

Monitoring and supporting the bodies at all levels, auditing the distributed publications were the main activities carried out in the preparatory phase. In the first half of the year, it was planned to register 339 thousand 876 residents with modern technology, and 340 thousand residents were registered with modern technology, showing 100% implementation, which is 9.17% more than last year. The Director General stated in his report that it was planned to provide digital resident IDs to 370 thousand 908 residents, and 268 thousand 470 residents were provided with digital IDs.

At the same time, the Director added that the current birth rate was 100%, divorce rate was 7.50% and death rate was 26.17% higher than the same period of the previous year, while marriage rate was 4.56% and adoption rate was 11.11%.

On the other hand, the agency has held 110 individuals, including management, executives and stakeholders, accountable for violating procedures from the center to the districts in 6 months, ranging from minor to major disciplinary actions.

Technology, operations, organization, good governance, service delivery improvements, and creating a comfortable work environment are the reform activities implemented by the agency in 6 months.

Finally, the Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa City, Chief Executive Officer Engineer Wondimu Seta, has made significant contributions to the institution at all levels and the professionals; therefore, he stressed that Addis Ababa should overcome the existing problems and work to become competitive with other developed countries.

Providing professional support and monitoring using strategies that improve current registration, correcting deficiencies in our service delivery, and completing the system that has been started are the tasks expected in the future, said the agency's Director General, Ato Yonas Alemayehu.

For more information, suggestions or clarifications, please contact us on our customer service hotline 7533





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