The agency held its 2nd Employ...

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The agency held its 2nd Employee Recognition and Award Ceremony at the Adwa Memorial Museum today, January 18, 2017!

CRRSA: January 18/2017
Addis Ababa

The guests of honor on the day were the Deputy Mayor and Chief Executive Officer of Addis Ababa City, Hon. Engineer Wondimu Seta, the Deputy Mayor and Head of Public Service and Human Resource Development Bureau, Hon. Dr. Jemalu Jember, and the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Urban Development and Infrastructure of the Addis Ababa City Council, Hon. Dr. Gizachew Aika.

During the ceremony, the Agency’s Director General, Ato Yonas Alemayehu, administered the oath to employees from the center to the districts, and 49 employees from the headquarters to the districts, who were recognized by the residents for their hard work and special contributions, received recognition and awards from the guests of honor on the day.

The Agency also introduced the amendments to the institution’s regulations that were introduced to the public in 2016 today. In conclusion, the guest of honor of the day, the Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa City, His Excellency Mr. Ninner Wondimu Seta, gave a working guide.

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